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Full Version: Computer video card question GEEKERY!
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What do you mean no such switch?
Mine has one, it even has one at the back panel where the keyboard/mice connectors are.. A lot of motherboards have reset switches instead of having to use a jumper or removing the battery.

Most of the old ones have a jumper setting to clear, some older ones have switches, like a small push button.. All the new mobos have a push button now.
Possible but now I have a weird issue where when I put the PC to "sleep" instead of sleeping it goes into hibernate mode, which is a much longer restart time -facepalms-

Have you checked the options in Power Options in the Control Panel?
Should be able to change the behavior in there..
Thing was that AFAIK nothing was changed in Vista, I played with the settings in the BIOS again and we'll see how it works out.

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