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so i called tom shady and guess what, when i didnt apologize for it today and wrote a nasty post back he banned me! haha

Continuously Being Disruptive, Lack Of Knowledge & Posting Misinformation

some1 else posted this and i responded to it and toms message

Originally Posted by gemini47
omg you are hilarious. seriously, you are worth a laugh everytime i log into FF. thank you.

people have opinions tom, get over it. if you don't agree maybe you should learn to just say that rather than get all worked up like you always do.

i think your shady as well. you make all kinds of claims on here, but won't back them up. that is shady. and i'm not going to apologize for my opinion.

finally some body with their own mind in this thread...

and tom, you may be a long standing sponsor and in your eyes a good guy, however not everyone see's you in the same light, same as you dont see me in the same light that maybe randy does.

Bottom line is, i wont apologize for my opinion. if i get banned off this board for it, i will make it known. this is not **** germany, you can not lay down the ban hammer because i do not conform to what you want and say. Here i thought you were an american, freedom of speech? you should know that quite well as i see you on here everyday expressing your opinions on FSwerks and slamming them at every chance you get. i dont see you getting booted for slamming the competition.

you need to grow **** the up man. im not your kid, nor am i your lesser. My statement is based on the numerous call outs that you have never backed up. You were even called shady while trying to sell somebody a F2 turbo kit that isnt even in production. Was that guy told to apologize? LOL

o great tom, i am sorry i hurt your feelings, but you are a shady mother ****er
post the link plz
they deleted 90% of posts in thread otherwise i would have posted a link
LOL I didn't see that.. would of been funny.. He takes s**t a bit too seriously sometimes.. lol
thats some good s**t lol
mike was reading it. i made a reference to the fact that i had remembered that i read somewhere that 12.5:1 AFR was optimal for power in most cases on a F/I motor, he went off the deep end on me, meanwhile i never said the guy should go nearly that lean, i simply told him to lean up a bit from 11.2. turns out he was actually running 10.8 but his gauge was delayed like a 0.5 second or something stupid.

anyways, tom jumped in tripping balls because i mentioned anything over 11.2 LOL

so me being me, i decided screw you tom all mighty and started a war with him and all his followers that breathe every breathe as he does LOL it was rather enjoyable to be honest
the zetecs respond pretty decently with a 12:1-ish ratio.... you basically want to tune for as lean as you can without creating excessive cylinder temps or pre-ignition... so the closer to 14.7, the more power you're making... but if you ping, you're dead... so that's why people aim to run richer.

With the zetecs, if you want to keep your cylinders cool enough to prevent pre-ignition at higher revs, a 12:1 ratio is pretty decent. Granted, 12:1 is assuming pretty standard pistons, and boost pressure.

but 10.8:1? That's nearly black smoke territory...
lol well congrats on getting banned on FF
(05-29-2010, 04:30 AM)GFXjamie Wrote: [ -> ]mike was reading it.
it was a good laugh for sure.

and steve 10.8:1 @ WOT - is for boosted applications from what i've read.
^ you were reading the bible of turbow down tom

thats BS, if your running high compression, non intercooled i can see reason to tune rich for safety. however, on a built motor with low compression, low boost LOL youve gotta be kidding me. randy has me tuned to 11.5. when i got my base tune it was around 10.9! and that was pretty rich, not to mention, stock motor so it cant even handle as much in the way of cylinder pressure. tom use to tune on the lean side, far leaner then randy ever pushed it, and i think has changed that in the past 2 years as i have read that numerous times in threads on FJ.

this is why i stick to FJ, you try helping a guy out whos trying to figure out if his AFR is whacky or not, i get in the middle of world war tom and get nailed with the ban hammer.
(05-29-2010, 02:04 AM)GFXjamie Wrote: [ -> ]they deleted 90% of posts in thread otherwise i would have posted a link

Ohh Tru Tru
Another one of us banned from FF for bullshit reasons.. YAY TEAM!

Running too rich is bad also....there is a reason why when its -20 outside the ECU runs your car pig rich to warm up faster.....but tom would bitch me out for saying stuff like that.
(05-29-2010, 07:10 AM)GFXjamie Wrote: [ -> ]andy has me tuned to 11.5. when i got my base tune it was around 10.9!
well when i decide to go boost i'll make sure its at 11.2:1, Tongue
(05-29-2010, 01:47 PM)hardk0re Wrote: [ -> ]Another one of us banned from FF for bullshit reasons.. YAY TEAM!

Running too rich is bad also....there is a reason why when its -20 outside the ECU runs your car pig rich to warm up faster.....but tom would bitch me out for saying stuff like that.

haha awesome atleast im not a lone soldier on here in my campaign against tom LOL i think hes a complete moron. he thinks he is the be all and end all of the focus ECU and if you say anything otherwise then he simply will get rid of you so the new people coming around for tuning wont see himself being questioned.

(05-29-2010, 03:26 PM)Spinal Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-29-2010, 07:10 AM)GFXjamie Wrote: [ -> ]andy has me tuned to 11.5. when i got my base tune it was around 10.9!
well when i decide to go boost i'll make sure its at 11.2:1, Tongue

well if you go boost, your only real option is FSwerks turbo kit. if you go F2, ill dick punch you into next week and stick a potatoe in the inlet piping Angel
If I go turbo unfortunately I won't be going FS.
Not because I don't like the product obviously, but because for 2008+ You have to get the intercooler.. 3700 USD is just way too much.. Plus since ATX I couldn't even use it to full potential Sad

But if I had a manual, FSWerks would be my first choice hands down.
why would you buy a turbo kit non intercooled? it only makes sense to have it intercooled. if you wanna play you gotta pay. they package it in all together for the new focus cheap so its a better deal. you can still run intercooled at 8 psi, im currently doing that and it still loads of power. the extra 3 psi doesnt make a huge difference anyways. the intercooler will make it so you can actually hit a track and not worry about blowing a motor. IAT temps are too high without one so the tune has to be super safe for it.

for bolt on 200+ whp on a factory car with like 113, thats pretty damn cheap compared to what youve dropped in n/a mods to get 130 whp.
"Wanna play you gotta pay" Coming from the guy who got a mad deal on his kit Tongue
You pay 3700USD + shipping only to be throttled at 200 wheel torque!

And on motor I haven't come close to dropping 3700USD lol
For what I have I'm happy with what I paid.

Like I said, if I had a manual I could see dropping the money down because the possibilities are endless.. But on ATX, no way!
I wanna see what F2 will charge for their SC coming out.. If it's anything close to 3 grand no way, might as well get the FSWerks kit. And it'll probably be in that range..
I/C option on most kits is usually 700-1000. F2 will probably price their non IC kits at 2500-2900USD
Mike was saying the other day there was a comp turbo kit for 2200 USD with intercooler.. It's gone from the site now though..
F2usa...promises promises promises... Nothing but.
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