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Full Version: SVT rear brake parts for sale on kijiji for cheap!
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found this add today, thought someone here could grab it.
also found an 00-04 carbon fibre hood for $90
Thats pretty good. If anyone has a 05 ST I have some rear brakes for you too lol. (Thread Add lol)
[Image: 100_1211.jpg]
[Image: 100_1212.jpg]
All New... $100 Cash
Will a hood fit into the Hatch?
Sorry Scorcher!!!
Been super busy with my new born and work.

I do still want them!
(06-07-2010, 11:23 AM)Focus man. Focus. Wrote: [ -> ]Will a hood fit into the Hatch?

That's a good questionHuh
Probably would if you put it in sideways with one end on the floor and the other in the air.
I guess I will find out tomorrow morning Smile
stop by canadian tire and pickup a bulk back of washers Big Grin
(06-07-2010, 11:23 AM)Focus man. Focus. Wrote: [ -> ]Will a hood fit into the Hatch?

Yes with both back seats down you can squeeze it in there. I fit my carbon hood in the hatch when I picked it up from customs.
(06-07-2010, 06:55 AM)castone Wrote: [ -> ]also found an 00-04 carbon fibre hood for $90

Went to Hamilton this morning. Not a Carbon Fiber Hood. Some sort of Metallic paint on it. What a waste of a drive, 200KM round trip for nothing.
you didn't ask if it was carbon fiber first?
The seller on CL wasn't the actuall person selling. I was told it was CF then given a number of the person who actually had the hood. Me being stupid didn't bother asking again. Had a nice drive though, got me out of the house for most of the morning. Oh well, live and learn.
(06-08-2010, 04:11 AM)hardk0re Wrote: [ -> ]you didn't ask if it was carbon fiber first?

That's what im saying lol You should of asked the actual seller becasue to me the pic dosen't look like carbon at all.
looks nothing like CF... /facepalm
Yeah yeah, I am stupid. We all know that now.