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Full Version: E Test... BOOOYA!
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Got my results, damn I'm proud!
Didn't know how to upload pics on the forum so had to use twitterpic.
Don't you just love the results that don't even show on their scale. Mine have been like that since I have owned the car. Its almost like they didn't put the sniffer in the tail pipe. LOL
Had mine done a lil while ago and I past with flying colours lol
My unlce did a idle test and man it was sweet lol
(06-11-2010, 03:26 AM)Focus man. Focus. Wrote: [ -> ]Its almost like they didn't put the sniffer in the tail pipe. LOL

Fake tailpipe???
has anyones focus ever FAILEd the E-Test? yikes.
Mine has always been clean too. My old Escort GT, now that was another story. Smile

The only people that have had trouble have been people with the cat not in the stock location, or boosted...
(06-11-2010, 01:20 PM)reldridge Wrote: [ -> ]Mine has always been clean too. My old Escort GT, now that was another story. Smile

The only people that have had trouble have been people with the cat not in the stock location, or boosted...

even boosted, you should be able to pass e-test. The sniffer test is done in closed loop, so as long as you have a cat and EGR, you should be fine.

My boosted zx5 ran cleaner than stock.
Wasn't yours supercharged?
(06-16-2010, 04:29 AM)Oscar The Grouch Wrote: [ -> ]Wasn't yours supercharged?

yeah, but doesn't make any difference come emissions time.
Really? Don't most lose a cat converter when they go Turbo and SC does not?
ah... losing a cat could affect your emissions. Though, you shouldn't have to give up a CAT to go turbo IMO -- though I assume cost/packaging may have a role to play.
With the FSW kit, we lose the one cat. The second is still in place.
(06-17-2010, 05:42 AM)Oscar The Grouch Wrote: [ -> ]With the FSW kit, we lose the one cat. The second is still in place.

ahhh.. I guess that's a duratech thing? Still.. with at least one cat, it's not too bad. would have to know what that means for tuning around emissions tho.