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Full Version: Need Help, Amp Cut Out
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hi so my car has been under the knife mechanically for the past little while, i finally got it working again and all of a sudden my sub am stops working.

the light is on, and everything is hooked up to the amp, i unhooked the subs and touched them to my other amp and i get sound(not a lot but the other amp runs my speakers and had hp filter on so i didnt expect it to bump, just testing to make sure theyre not the prob)

all fuses are fine on the amp and under the hood of the car, ground connections are strong (plus the light is on)

i dont know where to go from here, i was hopeing someone out there would know if i can test the amp with a voltmeter?
could be some bad connections in behind your deck to possibly your RCA's or even just a pinch in the wires..retrace all your wiring and you might find something...could also be that your not getting enough juice from your battery to run both your amps
I had an issues like this in 2 of my buddies car with the same amp. It turned out the amp kept over-heating internally. Cold weilds be damed
Yes hook a volt meter to it or best a proffesional amperage meter would be best. And power everythign up and then touch it to - and + see what you get. Even do that on your RCA cables too.
have you unhooked the amp sometime in between since it was working fine? sounds like a bad ground. If you've got a volt meter test it by putting the neg. of the volt meter where its grounded and the pos. on the pos. lead on the amp. If it reads anything lower then 12v you have a bad ground