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So who's going to be the first to put lashes on their focus?
LMFAO! Makes me wonder how exactly you came across this...
(08-30-2010, 12:05 AM)euro_zx5 Wrote: [ -> ]LMFAO! Makes me wonder how exactly you came across this...

that makes 2 of us? lol
3 now
Actually I saw that yesterday in a thread ona Fusion board titled "Cars that make you laugh 2"

It made me wanna retch, but that's just me Big Grin

Would fit perfectly on a new Mazda3.
Makes a car look more like a whore...attention whore...
This is the second board I've been on today that had a link to this (the first being vwvortex). PLEASE, MAKE IT STOP. MY EYES, MY EYES!!!

Ivan MacKenzie.
(08-30-2010, 01:18 AM)castone Wrote: [ -> ]Would fit perfectly on a new Mazda3.

Better yet, the Mazda2... the front end scares me, I swear it smiles back at me! lol
Car lashes with truck nutz would be super ghey. LOL
(08-30-2010, 06:15 AM)Focus man. Focus. Wrote: [ -> ]Car lashes with truck nutz would be super ghey. LOL

Tranny... ROFL
I"m not surprised by this as a product to be honest, after all if you want a more masculin car you could always get the car mustash!
Carlashes + Carstash + Trucknutz = A Float in Pride
The perfect birthday gift for Paolo.
Taken from the Carstache website. Totally awsome.
Quote:Each Carstache® is made right here in the USA, and woven entirely from naturally caged unicorn hair. Our Factory is 137% GREEN, powered entirely by our patent pending leprechaun-tear bio-diesel fuel. Why are the leprechauns crying? Because the Carstaches are SO AWESOME!
I saw this via is one of internet stops.
Super gay.
Wow...just amazing what some people will do.