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Full Version: Steering Wheel Clicking noise?
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I have a click in the steering that can only be heard inside the car. It sounds like it is coming from the steering wheel stalk? The click isn't noticeable when driving on the streets or highways, but at low speeds when turning sharply in parking lots.

Any Ideas?
(10-16-2010, 02:49 AM)eurocar fan Wrote: [ -> ]I have a click in the steering that can only be heard inside the car. It sounds like it is coming from the steering wheel stalk? The click isn't noticeable when driving on the streets or highways, but at low speeds when turning sharply in parking lots.

Any Ideas?

I have the same issue, were you able to figure it out?
My car has also done this intermittently since new. Seems to be more prevalent in hot weather right after the car has been sitting the sun and happens just as I'm slowing to a complete stop. Sounds almost like the hyperflash you get when one signal light is out - but slightly quieter.

Haven't really tried investigating as it doesn't seem to cause any problems.
