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so as some of you may no if you looked at my thread in the showrom i got a new cf hood....well i nstalled it today and it doesnt fit!! i went out just now to try and make it fit and i have come to the conclusion that the spring loaded pin on the latch refuses to make the hood latch close....i tried forcing the hood down to latch but its so close but i dont wanna get the hod jammed once i get it to latch...

so i guess my question there anyway to over come this and way to remove that pin or move the latch somehow??

if you need pictars i can get some of what imtalking about
Did you try removing the bump stops on the rad support? that will help get it lower
SL8RZZX3,Mar 13 2009, 02:18 PM Wrote:Did you try removing the bump stops on the rad support? that will help get it lower

IIRC they are also adjustable - perhaps just turning them down would be enough. And IIRC the latch mechanism is also to some degree adjustable - is there not a way to move it up?
That hood was originally mine and i had to take the bump stops off completely

I think it also has to do with the euro grilles sitting a tad higher than the stock ones
SL8RZZX3,Mar 13 2009, 02:25 PM Wrote:That hood was originally mine and i had to take the bump stops off completely

I think it also has to do with the euro grilles sitting a tad higher than the stock ones

i just took the sops off and still no cigar heres some pics guys

heres some pics

[Image: DSC00571.jpg]
[Image: DSC00572.jpg]
[Image: DSC00573.jpg]
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[Image: DSC00581.jpg]

the picture where im pushing down on the hood is how far the latch it off it just wont latch for what ever looks liek the spring loaded pin thing to spring the hood up is stopping it from going down
Wow that's pretty severe.
Has that car been in any accidents?
no idea andrew zx3_2nv will no better then me he had it before me

its pissing me off tho .....and if it was in accidents wouldnt it stop the other hood from latching aswell??
any one got any ideas????...i was thinking of weldin a replica hood latch thats on the hood itself and making the latch part half an inich longer to grab the latch??? im hoping it to be a last resort tho so any other idea would be appreciated big time
drunkinmonkey,Mar 13 2009, 03:32 PM Wrote:any one got any ideas????...i was thinking of weldin a replica  hood latch thats on the hood itself and making the latch part half an inich longer to grab the latch??? im hoping it to be a last resort tho  so any other idea would be appreciated big time

Just a thought (before you do any welding) is there any chance the latch is in fact "latched?" Take a minute and pull the release handle again just to make sure.

And sorry if this is an idiotic suggestion.
I was just going to say the same thing...
Looks like the hood latch is down in the pic's, same thing happens to door latch's.
Give the release handle a pull should pop up, if not get someone to pull it while you get a screwdriver and lift the hood latch up...
To my knowledge it was not in any accidents I would say throw some washers on the screws on the actual hood either at the latch so the actual loop drops down more ORRR This is what I would do throw a spacer on the piece where the hood attaches to the bracket to make than end higher and give it a more aggresive look and then work with the spacers to make the angle of the hood lower. Its kinda hard to explain but look here [Image: ch9.jpg]
ill try many things with washers and such and se what happends tomorrow
ok guys this is what is preventing the hood from there anyone to take this off or anything

[Image: hood.jpg]

so i dont see how washers would fix that
drunkinmonkey,Mar 13 2009, 09:25 PM Wrote:ok guys this is what is preventing the hood from there anyone to take this off  or anything

so i dont see how washers would fix that

Isn't that part of the release mechanism? ... looks like your cable is seized and it's stuck in the up position - try gently tapping it down.
well my other hood closed perfectly fine then i put this on and it doesnt latch at all because it doesnt hit the bottom on said latch so sumthign is preventing the "U" from engaging the latch and the "U" from hitting the bottom
From the pics it is hitting the metal piece of the hood latch which seems to sit alot lower than the steel hood would....

Have you tried just slamming it down? It might just be that the spring inside the hood latch will have to be "worked in" since it is being pushed down farther than normal and the fact that the hood is ALOT lighter won't help, as the weight of the stock hood would be taken into acount as that spring would be set up to "pop" it up

It IS engaging the first lock and NOT the second lock right?
SL8RZZX3,Mar 13 2009, 09:49 PM Wrote:From the pics it is hitting the metal piece of the hood latch which seems to sit alot lower than the steel hood would....

Have you tried just slamming it down? It might just be that the spring inside the hood latch will have to be "worked in" since it is being pushed down farther than normal and the fact that the hood is ALOT lighter won't help, as the weight of the stock hood would be taken into acount as that spring would be set up to "pop" it up

yes iv tried slamming if even used my body weight to push on it to latch and nothing somthing is deff preventing it from latching
Your hood latch should adjust. Sry if I didn't read anyone already saying this but there is 2 10MM bolts on the latch you can just reach and lossen and tighten them so Lower the latch and see if that helps. i had to raise mine up on the 05 Duratec.

In the pics the latch is no where near the loop on the hood. So drop pop and lock it. B)
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