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Full Version: Kid steals Shelby, hits deer
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video says it all..

hilarity ensues at the forums in this thread
dumb fuckssss
karma is a bitch
i found cliff notes on the internet

long story short, the kid claimed it was his dad's gt500. turns out it was some other kids dad and the driver, Grant, stole it that night. Apparently Grant also put some 300 hard miles on the car, so much so that the CEL came on and he simply reset it then continued driving it.

also aparently he was trying to sell a set of wheels from the same family that the gt500 came from.

kid got booked for grand theft lol
Really...I never saw a deer...

I'm calling this one fake. Probably a viral video from Ford.
the kid swerved to miss the deer, the deer ran into the side of the car, the kid ran another car off the road when he swerved to avoid the deer.