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Full Version: Because today is "solve that problem" day
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So driving home from the meet last night I discover the track rat has no lights ... no low beams, no running lights, no taillights, no side marker lights ... I do have turn signals, fogs, high beams, brake lights and 4-ways.

I've checked the fuses - nothing wrong there ... the only other thing I can think of is the switch ... or am I missing something here.
Relay busted?
Could be a relay as well. That's happened to me on past vehicles.
(05-25-2011, 05:01 AM)darkpuppet Wrote: [ -> ]Could be a relay as well. That's happened to me on past vehicles.

Uh oh ... I guess we`re talking about a relay under the hood, are we ... I guess I`ll have to do some digging and figure out where it might be.
checked fuses under the hood as well?

it also could be your drl module is acting up.

hard to tell without looking at it.
There are 2 relays in the black box under the hood you pull to do the DRL mod. I have them kicking around if you need them.