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I have a question about my headlights, is there a reason why they are black instead of the chrome? Because i seen a yellow zx5 like mine an it has chrome instead of black. I was jw if it was an option or is there more to it.
Those would be svt headlights if they are black not chrome
In 03 I think they changed the housings to grey no?
Hmmmm.... Didn't know that little tid bit... Well Adam I guess it depends if they are grey or black?
i believe chrome housing was standard and had an option to have grey housing for 03-04.
and there was mach(hid) audio edition on 02. and then svt 02-04 had a choice black housing or mach hid.
00-02 had chrome headlights
03-04 had grey housing headlights
02-04 SVT had black housing headlights
Mach/SVT Hids were never an option in Canada
(07-03-2011, 10:56 PM)MuskokaZX3 Wrote: [ -> ]Hmmmm.... Didn't know that little tid bit... Well Adam I guess it depends if they are grey or black?

Its an 03 but there black.
Sounds like the previous owner replaced them for whatever reason with the CDN-spec SVT headlight housings. They're functionally identical to the rest of the first-gen Focus housings, but they're black.
^^^ BOOOM!!!