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Full Version: Turbo Install Started!!!
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i was goona say looks tiny compared to mine
Yea only 2" hot AND cold side Sad not too concerned though... should put me in the power range I'm looking for easily (230-250)... Also, this setup won't be on my car forever... Ive never even been in a car with boost, let alone drive one... It's all a learning curve for me
You'll have fun. Just be careful with torque steer.
nice build! u make the job look soo easy for some reason lol. doesnt seem like u hit any hurdles or any uncooperative part (except that header bolt) almost looks like a 2 day project and thats it Tongue
Well it runs!! On the base tune lol... Having some trouble selecting the PIDS for datalogging. I was told to select long term fuel trim bank 1&2 and short term fuel trim 1&2... My problem is in my Los of PIDS there is only short term and long term 1?? Confused... Oscar or Jamie either one of u guys have access to your list of PIDS in livelink??
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQow89hay_lgWUvEm9LB1E...sOhCF9RZBy]
When I get home I'll get you the info.
K... Thanks... What time you finish work at? I'm done at 3:30... You can text me if you want... I'll pm you my celly
I'm done round 4:30-5:00pm. Is all your looking for just the short term fuel trim and long term fuel trim?
Nice write up! I cant wait to do mine now haha
I have long term fuel trim bank 1 and short term fuel trim 1... But no bank 2s... Fernando's gonna take over my laptop tonight and check it out... Hopefully get a datalog sent
(03-21-2012, 08:13 AM)MuskokaZX3 Wrote: [ -> ]Well it runs!! On the base tune lol... Having some trouble selecting the PIDS for datalogging. I was told to select long term fuel trim bank 1&2 and short term fuel trim 1&2... My problem is in my Los of PIDS there is only short term and long term 1?? Confused... Oscar or Jamie either one of u guys have access to your list of PIDS in livelink??

are you using sct livelink?

for torque steer, there is ancient korean secret to prevent.
hold your steering wheel real tight=problem solved lol
UPDATED* skimming through my datalog and short/long fuel term 2 are not needed.
Yea Fernando took over my laptop and I'm all good to go... Need to swap back over to my stock throttle body tomorrow night... CFM is too touchy to do the rpm logs... Oh well I don't think I'll need the extra throttle response with the turbo lol
I get the same touchyness for the stock one. I can't do logs between 800rpm and 2500rpm.
swapped the stock TB over after work, and loaded another base tune from fernando... curious... whats a good afr? gotta get some time to do a progressive datalog... 1500-3000 in 500 rpm increments... wife and i are driving to work together then i have to go and pick her back up around 5 so ive barely been able to get out there in the light.
WOT AFR between 11.0 to 11.5 (Nothing over 12.5 MAX). Normal non-wot is 14.7.
Car smells really strong when it's idling right now... Afr hovers around 15.7... This is without a good datalog though... Just the base tune
little high but should be ok. If you're worried, your sct should be able to add some fuel with optional parameters.
Well I haven't even had it over 2000 rpms yet so I'll see what's going on... Gonna do the datalog tonight hopefully
Great build!

jealous! Enjoy the boost! but beware it is addictive.
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