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Hi just got a new 2012 sel ford focus and wondering on the tire pressure senors what psi does the light turn on, showing low pressure?
(04-05-2012, 11:30 AM)scubadiver Wrote: [ -> ]Hi just got a new 2012 sel ford focus and wondering on the tire pressure senors what psi does the light turn on, showing low pressure?

The way the system works IIRC, is that it uses the ABS sensors to measure the rpm of each wheel and if one is turning considerably faster than the others it triggers a low pressure warning - ie: a "flat" tire has a shorter circumference and therefore turns more rpm per given vehicle speed.

My guess therefore is that it's all relative - and there may not be an exact psi reading that triggers the warning.

Standing by to be corrected LOL.
I purchased my 2012 in July, and the tire pressure monitor "reminded" me that the tire pressure was low in and around January. I didn't check the pressure at that time, but, to be honest, I never felt any difference in the handling of the car. After a bit of a panic, not knowing how these new fangled hi-tech vehicles would react, I refilled the tires to the correct pressure, and low and behold, the warning disapearred within an hour. So, it's really not a big deal unless you have a flat.....
Thanks for a reply everyone. Smile