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Full Version: Always wondered
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I wasn't going to post this, because it's not a Ford and definitely not a Focus, but I always wondered what it would look like to have a huge engine mounted in a small two door car.

(05-31-2012, 10:49 PM)shybri69 Wrote: [ -> ]I wasn't going to post this, because it's not a Ford and definitely not a Focus, but I always wondered what it would look like to have a huge engine mounted in a small two door car.

I'm a little bit old school when it comes to the big-engine-small-car thing:

[Image: ac-cobra-427-04.jpg]

I would tend to agree with you, I think the guy in the video is trying to over compensate for a um... short coming? Smile
Anyone remember the Focus RS8? Didn't have the blower, but did have the V8 stuffed under the hood.