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Full Version: 2007 Ford Focus Mid Wing
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Hey guys looking for a mid wing for my focus... anyone know where i can buy one locally or maybe just some reinsurance that the 2005 mid wing will fit the 2007

Thank guys,
(07-03-2012, 10:57 AM)wilky1989 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys looking for a mid wing for my focus... anyone know where i can buy one locally or maybe just some reinsurance that the 2005 mid wing will fit the 2007

Thank guys,

Didn't John (scorcher) just take his off? Maybe it's for sale. And yeah - all hatches from 00 to 07 are the same.
Hey I got one for sale lol

It's painted sonic blue so that will have to change for you but send me PM with your price of what you want to pay...