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yup, this is my hello post.
i live in New Brunswick, the land of wicked dirt roads.
i drive a 2000 LX Sedan (yea yea, i know, its the SPI, AND an atx). cars not much, but i love it and it has opened me to the world of the focus. Been over on for about a year and just found this site =D
the car will be turbod and get new suspension, but will be the winter car/dd once i find a duratech/mtx to pour some money into it.
i play guitar, video games, i have dark brown eyes and like long walks through dark and treacherous caves.

cheers and beers
Oh boy, hello.
Welcome to the site, turbo SPi...that would be cool. I've seen an escort with the 1.9 (spi) that had a turbo, do it!
Not sure how far the SPI, dark eyes and long walks will get you? But welcome! :P
Yes it's not quite my favourite things when finding someone, but welcome and have fun modding. :D
Welcome to instead of spending money on your SPI blowing it and spending more money you should just buy my fully built Zetec and Turbo kit for $7500
welcome to the site, is it because of your SPI you have to take long walks? and are enraged by the car so much that your eyes are brown? :lol:

I'm kidding btw, but :hi:
Welcome. SPI's not too bad, had one in my old escort I liked the fact I didn't stop for gas as much :)
haha yea. ill be sticking a turbo on it sometime this spring, make it a bit peppier.
i do have plans to acquire a sedan w/ a duratech (2.3 please) and a 5spd. maybe 300ish WHP. ya know, something kinda fast.