FocusCanada Forums

Full Version: Where to sell.....
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A friend of mine has had the unforunate experience of having a car written off due to an accident and having no insurance at the time of the accident....( long story, no need to waste anybody's time on it ). He is a mechanic and has salvaged as much as he could off of the remains. He would like to sell the parts somewhere. My question is, is Kijiji a good place to sell or should he join a forum to sell the parts? It was a 2009 G5 sedan.......Just asking for some opinions. Thanks.
kijiji should be good to start
+1 for kijiji.....i sell all my parts on there
kijiji or ebay if he's willing to ship. ebay for smaller expensive items works good on those free listing days.
any G5 forum

kijiji and his car's specific forum.