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Full Version: trunk help
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hey guys

kind of a funny story, well i shaved my hatch keyhole and my trunk button wont work for some reason. anyone know how to get the hatch open another way haha
(01-16-2013, 06:50 AM)drunkinmonkey Wrote: [ -> ]hey guys

kind of a funny story, well i shaved my hatch keyhole and my trunk button wont work for some reason. anyone know how to get the hatch open another way haha

If you take the plastic cover on the inside of the hatch door you should be able to get at the latch from there.
(01-16-2013, 07:20 AM)Lucster1000 Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-16-2013, 06:50 AM)drunkinmonkey Wrote: [ -> ]hey guys

kind of a funny story, well i shaved my hatch keyhole and my trunk button wont work for some reason. anyone know how to get the hatch open another way haha

If you take the plastic cover on the inside of the hatch door you should be able to get at the latch from there.

I got curious, and he is right, my plastic stuff is still off from when I gave you my wing, you can get to the latch from there