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Nice to see the site back up and runningWink
wooohoooo great work Steve!!!!!
so what happened?
According to the hosting provider we were compromised in a hack.

Someone did place malware somewhere on the site, but it wasn't linked from our site, and it wasn't placed through the site's software.
I get a feeling someone built a site, and found a symlink vulnerability to our shared hosting directory and dropped some crud in there.

Of course, the timing couldn't have been worse, since it happened about 3 days into my 2 week vacation, and then I had courses and personal stuff I had to do while trying to get the site restored.

To their credit, the hosting provider was nice enough to let me grab the database before wiping and recreating the account, so we were able to retain all of our posts and users with only a minimum amount of grief. That part took a little longer than I had hoped since they had to make an exception to their policies to make it happen.

So all-in-all it was just one of those perfect storms of vacation-hacked-bad backups-support delays....

Hopefully we're back on track now -- just need to re-enable stuff like tapatalk, and the new skins, which will come over the next few weeks.
how come recently we are getting hacked and what not? his this issue been going on the length of the forum?
Welcome back!
Whew. What a bender I have been on. Had to stop the shaking somehow.
I missed this place
WOOOOOO!!! missed you site !
I was lost but now im found lol. Welcome Back
Home <3
Were we able to restore Microbunny?
^-- his account still exists
i think i checked to see if this was working every day while it was down, glad to see it back up. And i dont think that anyone would be upset that you had other things to do while on vacation lol
(05-02-2013, 01:56 AM)drunkinmonkey Wrote: [ -> ]how come recently we are getting hacked and what not? his this issue been going on the length of the forum?

We're constantly being hacked... It's always a game of keeping the software one step ahead of the hackers.

Unfortunately, it just happened that some of the software components we used weren't updated appropriately, so some attacks got through.... a real pain in the ass.

Anyone who says open source is better than windows hasn't bet their business on it... it's a lot of on-going work.

Anyhoo.. I think we're in the clear for now -- I wouldn't expect the script kiddies to get through for the next little while.