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Full Version: Vote for Taylor for focus of the month FJ
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Hey guys,

Taylor is up for fotm on FJ for being a newb. Shown some love as I put a boat load of man hours into this car and it needs to win.

Like boost? Like euro? Like rare parts? How about a complete package car?

[Image: ty2avyga.jpg]
[Image: 5y2egepa.jpg]
[Image: e3esade8.jpg]
[Image: ave3umej.jpg]
[Image: hu7u2utu.jpg]

Btw she already is keeping it close with van horns car but let's give her a boost
Just voted! Taylor has 10 Van has 11

Here's the link
Voted as well now its 12 for Taylor. Good luck Smile
Link would of helped haha thanks dru.
I just voted , #15 woohoo
I would vote but I cant get onto the site anymore
Taylor is at 17 and in the lead hope the @focus_on_instagram post helped. Jamie needs some recognition for his hard work.
Thanks for help guys! It is still a work in progress but atleast now it is basic things not sorting out how to make a stage 3 blower set up out of very few parts. Considering where it came from... How it sat after she brought it home Summer of 2012

[Image: e3yzy2ez.jpg]
Just voted for her ur welcome lol
Haha thanks buddy

[Image: za8ejabu.jpg]

Still up! Battle isn't over yet tho so keep the votes coming guys!
23 vs 16 she might just hold onto it
26 votes now