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Full Version: svt vs RS knuckles
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just wondering if the mk1 RS uses the same knuckles as the SVT.
Best bet is to search in the UK forums (even thought most of them suck for layouts) and cross search the part numbers or pictures.

Across the pond, they do a lot more modding to the focus then we think so check them out before asking any of us.

I doubt any of us would know for a fact... The RS was designed to support a larger offset wheel so they could be different.

Good luck buddy.
The front track of the RS was almost 3" wider than the SVT - hard to imagine any of the front suspension being interchangeable.

(02-12-2014, 07:26 AM)drunkinmonkey Wrote: [ -> ]just wondering if the mk1 RS uses the same knuckles as the SVT.
I was more aiming to the front brakes then anything
You want the rs brembos? You could just get svt spindles and a tce brake kit with willwoods for far less. Cfm just got some spindles for like $350