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Picked up a 2015 Focus ST on Saturday, traded in a Honda Fit for it.

What is this strange... power.. thing? It's weird. I kinda like it.
welcome to the forums

where abouts are you from? what colour did you get? got any pics?
Nice upgrade for sure ! Welcome to the forum . Not much activity here lately but there are still a few of us that are on here .
Really, make sure you drive it with one hand, texting with the other, all the while eating a burger and juggling a coffee. Seriously, I am not kidding.

Of course my ulterior motive is that someone with a current ST wrecks it and the write-off becomes available. I have another project in mind, and it involves swapping that turbo engine and six manual transmission just like we did with the SVT-WGN.

Actually enjoy your new car and never mind us detractors. Welcome.
I'm still waiting for someone to swap the Motor and trans into a mk1 . Don't think we will see it for a couple years . At least until the prices go down , I've seen wrecked ones at like 4 grand Lol
Welcome to the forum, and congrats on the awesome upgrade!
I live in Mississauga, it's "Magnetic" with black stripes - really the only available model near me without a sunroof (I'm very tall), but I like the look of it.

[Image: mmW3P8j.jpg]

(bonus thumb:
[Image: KtVfhfC.jpg]

[Image: afXF00O.jpg]

[Image: guYbulY.jpg]