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Full Version: Tps Makes Themself Look Bad
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At work I recieve updates and news releases from Toronto Police. I left my desk for about 5 min and when I returned I found 6 emails
[Image: stupidtps.jpg]

Does anyone have there story straight He's Missing no he's not, She's missing nevermind. She's missing nevermind Person Found. These are the same pple we expect to serve and protect.
Could also be people calling the police saying someone was missing. Then finding them, and calling back and saying they found them.

Someone over reacting.
Almost looks like your email program fowarded you those emails all at once.
At my work, internal emails have priority compared to incoming "internet" emails!
This is also true for outgoing email.
When you have about 50,000 email users, you have to do things like this!
nope I always get my email right on time the actual email itself was also time stamped
Ugh... Outlook Express :P