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[Image: th_DSC00410.jpg]

Oh yeah, click the pic. :)

Driving around last night, the truck said -27C at times... -24C this morning. BRRRR.

And if the GTA had this kind of weather daily.... well, we'd separate the real drivers from the morons in a hurry. ;)
it's been -10 with -21 windchill in TO...

And the salt trucks didn't make it out at the beginning of the snow storm, which made for interesting driving conditions.

I pulled up to a 3 way stop at the top of a hill, an AWD SUV across from me was trying to turn left in front of me, but instead slid down the hill straight towards me.

I engaged my emergency brake a bit, feathered the clutch and gas, and slowly rolled up the hill past him to make the turn around the corner he intended to go.

decent driver in a RWD with snows > chuckle head in AWD with all-seasons.
And tomorrow it is supposed to be +8. Go figure.
-27 this morning here, we got a pretty good dump yesterday...

Fun times both cars. :lol:
darkpuppet,Dec 8 2008, 09:50 AM Wrote:it's been -10 with -21 windchill in TO...

And the salt trucks didn't make it out at the beginning of the snow storm, which made for interesting driving conditions.

I pulled up to a 3 way stop at the top of a hill, an AWD SUV across from me was trying to turn left in front of me, but instead slid down the hill straight towards me.

I engaged my emergency brake a bit, feathered the clutch and gas, and slowly rolled up the hill past him to make the turn around the corner he intended to go.

decent driver in a RWD with snows > chuckle head in AWD with all-seasons.

yeah but you know how it is, the first 100 crashes of the season are always Import SUV's and most of them are silver, so tis this season of bad drivers!
^-- how'd you know the colour of the SUV I was talking about?
Heh, had that fun Saturday night driving through a nasty mess of snow with varying intensities, going from Pickering back to Mississauga.

I swear to all that's unholy that there must be a defective gene in some drivers that compels them to drive even faster as the conditions worsen.

Highlight was getting highbeamed by a truck while I'm in the rightmost lane doing 90km/h on the 401E express... stupid meathead...

Snowing lightly ATM here in Mississauga, might accumulate, means driving home tonight will be nice (yeah, nice and scary watching the stupidity gene come out again :rolleyes:)


darkpuppet,Dec 8 2008, 12:25 PM Wrote:^-- how'd you know the colour of the SUV I was talking about?

Simple, 56% of all SUV's (all automobiles really) are silver or gray or somewhere in those two colour spectrums.