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Full Version: What's Your Screen Resolution?
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Just curious -- what screen resolution to you browse this site in?

looking to update the front page a little and want to know what res I should aim for.
1600 x 1200 times 2 screens
1024 X 768 for me at work not sure what I have on my lap top
1280x1024 and 1440x900 for me!
At work - 1680x1050, 22" LCD widescreen display. Occasionally on the laptop's 1440x900 14.1" LCD widescreen.

At home - 1920x1440, 22" CRT 4:3 display. :D (also a 1280x1024 secondary 17" LCD when doing other stuff, sometimes I drag Firefox there).
1680x1050 at home and at work.
1280x1024 is what the wife uses.
I running stock looking into upgrades but waiting for the glue on my stickers to dry first
1680x1050, 22" widescreen LCD.
Depends on which of the 3 screens I'm using...

1680x1050 or 1280x1024

Or 4240x1050
At home 1280x1024, at work 1024x768 (Blame the work resolution on crappy embedded graphics chip <_<)

1920 x 1080 (TV PC :P )
1280 x 1024 (Desktop)
1440 x 900 (Laptop)
- 1680x1050


- 1920x1200
1024 X 768 if I go any bigger everything gets so tiny. I have a 20" LG Flatron monitor.
Focus man, Focus.,Nov 28 2008, 08:47 PM Wrote:Where do I check?  I have this LG Flatron monitor but I am not sure of the resolution.  Where is it in my comp?

Using XP, go to the desktop, right click anywhere on the screen, highlight "Properties" then the "Settings" tab and all shall be revealed young Paadawan :D


[Image:][Image: thpix.gif]
1680x1050... I have a Dell 22" wide screen.

At any other resolutions it just doesn't seem right. I increased my font and it's all fine now.
1920x1200 on the desktop
1280x800 on the laptop
1024x768 at work
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