10-24-2008, 09:05 PM
Got my email and beta code last night, d/l'd the 2.2GB file and it's queued up ready to go.
Should be logging some time today as it's a PA day for the kids, so either me or the kids will be running the game through its paces.
Anybody else get in?
Hit me up on your buddy list if you are; my PSNID is Skyanide, just let me know you're from FocusCanada.
<And Puppet, if I get a second beta code, you're in bud; just haven't got one yet.>
Should be logging some time today as it's a PA day for the kids, so either me or the kids will be running the game through its paces.
Anybody else get in?
Hit me up on your buddy list if you are; my PSNID is Skyanide, just let me know you're from FocusCanada.
<And Puppet, if I get a second beta code, you're in bud; just haven't got one yet.>