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Full Version: Getting Mecp Qualified
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I am somewhat interested in the mobile dynamics school, just wondering if anyone here is mecp qualified, i would like to shoot some personal questions at you. The most important one is if its wort doing this if i make 37k per year?, would this pay more? thanks... :blink:
i havent taken the schooling but i am interested in it aswell, i was talking to the school a while back and they told me that for low end places like future shop and best buy your looking at 15$ /hr which equates to roughly 30k or there abouts. they said you can easily find a place offering more and that just to start off, if you get really good at custom work some places i have heard do commission basis for custom enclosures etc. give mobile dynamics a call and see what they say. u will most likely be making around the same with the possibility at more. it all depends what you prefer doing i guess. plus look at the bright side, discounts like crazy on all your own car audio and you could likely work on your car in their shop when it slow
I believe that Kona is certified. You should check with him.
just attending mobile dynamics won't get you certified..
keeping good grade through each week's test and getting good grade on making stuff and hands-on-traininig will let you take a mecp test..

bronze(basic) level is easy enough if you kept good grade on each weeks' test, but silver(advanced) is not..

i passed both of them..

future shop is comission base, if you do more work, you will get paid more..but you won't learn lots from this..
sometimes they do s***ty work and send customer to us(bestbuy) to figure out..because they don't want to lose their $$$..they get some % of what installation worth..

best buy is salary base, no matter how hard you work and how many you do, you still get same hour base sucks, i we take care of most of others' s***ty work..we fix and diagnosis problem..
but good thing is you learn lots and lots..

and also not all best buy and alll future shop got same skill of installation..
when you choose locations, visit and see it first..

they will pay you based on experience, i have like 1 year experience now, i am not getting paid anything near 30k yet..
i am thinking to get second job on my off days..

but i heard mecp certified installer can get $25 per hour easily when they get enough experience..something like 2yrs+
'they will pay you based on experience, i have like 1 year experience now, i am not getting paid anything near 30k yet..'

I am aiming to make more than my current salary , so i guess this is a no go for me.. thanks for the input kona.

it is because we mostly working on $25k~$70k cars..
what if installer scratches panel, what if break something..
it will cost a lot to replace..

company will evaluate you each 6 months, and they decide to keep you or fire you..
after about a year, you get your raise..and another 6 months another raise..

this field is based on experience whether you are very good or not..