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Full Version: Will Police Officer Take Care Of This Situation?
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ppl right next door making too much noise randomly everyday..
they drink everyday, bring their friends over everyday..mostly after 10pm..
i moved into this apartment 2 months ago and getting too much stress..

i woke up in the middle of sleep around 3 am and i have to walk up to them and shout to keep it down..

I talked to landlord few times and other neighbours made complaints..but landlord didn't take any action regarding this matter.. Even i and neighbours talked to them to keep quiet and they never listen..

I have to wear ear plugs before going in sleep..

do you think cops will take care of this situation??
yea theres a charge for that if they're makin noise after 11pm. cops probably won't respond super fast but they'll come eventually lol.
contact the building management,
tippmann,Sep 11 2008, 11:38 PM Wrote:contact the building management,

file a report with the police, contact management, keep records.

If the situation doesn't get resolved, you'll have grounds for going after the property management.

Of course Nefcanuk would know more on the subject.
Pretty sure it would be by-law and not police dealing with the matter at 1st.
I'll just chime in with quick & dirty advice (Now that the Law Society owns my ass as a licensed paralegal I have to be far more careful about what I say / do)

First, document everything and keep copies of any complaint letters to the landlord. In fact right now you can and should be holding the landlord responsible as you and he have contracted that you pay him rent and he gives you a place fit for habitation (including the right to quiet enjoyment)

If the landlord cannot (or refuses to) deal with these tenants then you have the legal right to hold the landlord responsible for the loss of quiet enjoyment by applying to the Landlord and Tenant Board arguing that the landlord has failed in his responsibilites under the Residentail Tenancies Act.

N.B. the above is general legal advice and in no way should be taken as direct advice to your situation, you can contact your local community legal clinic to get specific advice about your case

There, I think I answered the question and covered my rear :ph34r:

(Paranoia is a free 'perk' of being part of the Law Society :rolleyes:)

If you are just renting, just move. Save yourself all the headache. I wouldn't want to complain about those kind of people because I'd be worried they'd key my car or something.
EDIT - this was a great idea that some lame asshole could say was used to "incite violence".

EDITED before it was a problem.

Couple of points:

1) Although it is the police responsibility to enforce the local by-laws concerning excess noise, it's not surprising that it's way down their priority list ... so this should be your last ditch option. Having said that ... you pay taxes as part of your rent and you are entitled to their service.

2) Put it in writing always ... and if you have a conversation on the phone or in person with someone, follow that up with a letter that states "here's what we talked about, and here's what you committed to do" ... anything verbal is virtually worthless ... and in putting it in writing make sure you send copies to whomever else should be involved ... landlord, owner, super, manager ... whatever.

3) Do not let the morons know it's you who's complaining about them ... and make sure that the building's management keeps it to themselves too.

4) I'm sure there's any number of us on here who would be happy to put a second or third set of eyes on something if you wanted ... I have a lot of experience in these things and of course, there's Daniel if you can afford him. ;)
/\ Someone has done this before i say go with Squared advise
We had a guy living in the apartment building I used to live in who was excessively noisy, unfortunately he owned, didn't rent, so he couldn't be evicted. The police couldn't really do anything because it was inside the building. He got numerous fines from the strata but that never stopped him. Eventually, we started to basically torture the guy. We put vaseline on his door handle one day, put jam on it the next day, did little things to his car, he parked right beside the doorway which was also right by the wash bay. We would spray his car down all the time (black, then let it dry overnight, awesome water spots), we shoveled snow all around his car one morning just before going to work. He eventually put a notice up on the cork board to please stop doing these things. Someone wrote on his note underneath his stuff asking him to be quiet. It worked.

May not be the best way to deal with it but, in this case it worked.
i like that idea..
i m gonna spray down wd40 on door handle..
konafocuswrc,Sep 19 2008, 10:07 PM Wrote:i like that idea..
i m gonna spray down wd40 on door handle..

Getting even in your own way is sometimes better, like launching dirty diapers at his windows and doors.