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well moved my 42 plasma to my house never got hit by anything or wet plug it in wont work the green power on flashes about 27 times stays green for a second then goes into standby any one have any clue ? or experience this before ?
zx5power,Jul 27 2008, 10:52 AM Wrote:well moved my 42 plasma to my house never got hit by anything or wet plug it in wont work the green power on flashes about 27 times stays green for a second then goes into standby any one have any clue ? or experience this before ?

make sure the switch is not pushed in. Sometimes they get stuck and constantly shut the unit off when you are trying to turn it on from the remote.

Also have you tried unplugging the unit and let it stay off for about 5 min and then try again and see what happens.

What brand is it? Have you tried reading the fault codes in the back of the manual?
zx5power,Jul 27 2008, 06:52 AM Wrote:well moved my 42 plasma to my house never got hit by anything or wet plug it in wont work the green power on flashes about 27 times stays green for a second then goes into standby any one have any clue ? or experience this before ?
The green flashes are likely a diagnostic code. OFC, you have to accurately count them, then find out what the code means.