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Full Version: Weird Intake Noise
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Hey guys I'm really stomped on this noise i have coming from the motor in my car.
It's like a popping nosie and its coming from the intake system some were. Maybe its more like a rattle but i know its in the intake system some where. Now I know its not the intake it self cause i just took off my volant on and bought a aem short ram and it still dose the same thing. if any one has any ideas and can help me out from snapping lol it would be great.

Thanks Brad
more details.. when does it happen? during WOT, during any throttle, all the time the motor is on.. etc

maybe a clip is loose? have you tried putting the stock airbox back?
sound like marbles in a can? :ph34r:
Its wierd it does it when every it wants to, if it cold , hot, just when ever... but i i give it gas it stops, i guess its really just at idle.
It may have a marble in a can sound. its not a high pitch sound its kinda low like a rattle.
Do you have a strut bar ???

Mine used to do the same thing... it used to rattle against my strut bar... Peice of foam and 2 zip ties fixes the problem...
maybe a loose coupler on the intake pipe
Did you change MAF's or housing or intakes or something...could it be running lean and detonating?
you say it's intake related but sticks around after a swap. Have you checked the head shield on the exhaust header? the two lower bolts may have rusted through and it's rattling to heck.

I will say though, I have a rattle from my intake/filter area. Seems to happen at idle/stopped at a light, give the car some gas or put it in neutral and it's gone. Does that sound like yours?
Early Focii have horrible transmission noise... I thought my noise was intake related (pulling away in 1st or 2nd gear from idle to 2500rpm) but it turned out to be transmission related. Sound is all but gone after changing the gear oil to the Ford "honey."
Thanks guys for all the input, i will have to keep plugin away io find it. I got to change the cat this week mabey that will help.
put the stock part back on, ensure nothing is loose and if the noise persists the it is probably not related to the intake