My friend just bought a router so that he can share his internet connection with his desktop, laptop and xbox. heres the problem, his dsl modem is built into his dell computer. the computer has the modem and a seperate network card. i spent 2 hours trying to play with settings to get it to work and couldn't get anything.
It's a dlink router. Ive accesed the router control site from the laptop and played with some settings in there to try and get to recongize the desktop but still no luck.
any advice?? i read on one site that i need to turn the desktop into a "switch", but i have no clue how to do that if it is even the right thing to do.
thanks guys.
DSL modem built into the computer? bummer.
Yeah, it's going to be a tricky setup.. mostly because the computer would handle the ppoe connection, so the router would act more as a hub than anything.
So what I think you'll need to do is enable internet connection sharing on the PPOE adapter on your computer.. the LAN cable that is connected to the network will be given an IP of .. if you can, disable DHCP on the router, assign it a static IP of, and if you can, point it to a gateway of (your shared computer's IP network).
Basically you want to configure your router so it acts like a hub instead of a router.
Then you can configure a computer to obtain IP's automagically, and it'll pick up DHCP from your DSL-connected computer.
The only caveat is that if others wish to use the internet, your computer will have to stay on, and you'll want to configure the PPOE connection to connect whenever someone tries to hit the internet.
definitely not the preferred way of setting things up.
Preferably, you should call up your internet provider and ask for an external modem (hell, it should be included in the monthly fees), and hook that up into the router instead, and then plug your computer into the router as it should.
thanks puppet, i told him to just get an external modem, i think he is calling today. i knew it had to do with setting ip adresses, just wasnt sure exactly which ones to do
I'll second what Puppet told you. Least amount of pain, greatest chance of "happy ending" :P
NOS2Go4Me,Mar 3 2008, 11:53 AM Wrote:I'll second what Puppet told you. Least amount of pain, greatest chance of "happy ending" :P
i was actually doing what puppet said, i jsut didnt finish it (mainly cause i wasnt exactly sure what i was doing). havign dlink support hang up on you while on hold ofr 25 mins doesnt instill much confidence either.