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So does anyone know anything about these cars? i was looking at the specs and it looks really good. Does anyone own any? do we have ppl here from Ford that can tell me anything about the car?

I know the engine is the same as the Escape, 3.0L, but its got CVT. So how is the CVT in the long run? are they reliable?

any help will be appreciated.
I did a quick read on Most owners are pleased with it. However it is still a relatively new car. Most liked the vehicle. Two things I did notice was that there is a lack of "zippiness" or acceleration from a stop. Also, you'll find it difficult to "mod" :lol: It's one of those "stealth" vehicles that nobody really notices on the road.
mod? haha what is that? i'm done with that part of it already. As for the zippiness, well i have the same engine in the escape, but i wonder if the CVT makes that much of a difference??? After all i'm comparing the acceralation to my auto ford focus, i guess anything will be faster then that :)

i read the edmonds as well, as you stated most ppl are sort of happy with it. I just wanted to know if anyone had this vehicle.

Thanks for your help
It uses the same frame as the Volvo XC70 cross country...very nice.
My mother-in-law has a Freestyle, she likes it.

I haven't heard of any complaints with the CVT; the only reason that Ford is dropping it is because it's a high-cost unit because of the complexity and the tolerances needed to manufacture it. Repairs would need a "clean room" that your average AAMCO wouldn't have. Ford went to the 6 speed because it's relatively cheaper and the hit in gas mileage is minimal.

Altogether, the Freestyle is a good vehicle, very underrated.
thanks for all the comments guys. I'm reading the MSN user reviews and not even one bad one. Holly crap i'm impressed.

well lets see what the outcome will be. Thanks for all the help. will let you know by the end of the week.
i think this quote from edmunds say it all

Quote:Unfortunately, its success in this [safety] area pales in the face of its litany of shortcomings, which include sluggish acceleration, dismal fuel economy, ungainly handling and an unimpressive cabin.

For these reasons, savvy minivan shoppers will find the Ford Freestar a relatively unsatisfactory proposition. If you're looking for a minivan, you'll no doubt find your needs better served by one of its competitors.

i don't have much experience with vans and trucks, but it seems like the ford edge with its 6spd gearbox and 3.5L motor on ward's best 10 engines list would be a better choice if you are sticking to ford branded products

EDIT: i spent a short amount of time in a toyota sienna XLE van and it seemed to be really solid. AWD, HIDs, very nice leather interior and a drivetrain that felt very energetic. i did some a quick google search and some mags are quoting 0-60 in 6.8s... wow if i was forced into getting a minivan i would probably start by taking a look at the sienna
FreeSTYLE not FreeSTAR.

[Image: 2005_Ford_Freestyle_ext_1.jpg]

Not this:
[Image: 07Freestar1.jpg]

Now you know why it's a Taurus X now. The Sienna can't hold a lit chopstick to the Freestyle/TaurusX.
OAC_Sparky,Feb 19 2008, 10:57 AM Wrote:FreeSTYLE not FreeSTAR.
Now you know why it's a Taurus X now. The Sienna can't hold a lit chopstick to the Freestyle/TaurusX.

seems like a lot of my post still applies

Quote:Get the Freestyle on the highway and you'll find its engine lacking in oomph and refinement relative to the competition. Also, some of the materials used in its cabin fail to make the grade, and stability control isn't offered.

so it seems like the general trend is 'interior sucks, its slow' whether its freeSTYLE or freeSTAR

At least you managed to look up the right vehicle this time.

Like what has already been said, those that OWN them, like them. That means more to me than a reviewer.

But whatever, if you'd rather drive a minivan than a Freestyle, have fun. At least now you know that the two vehicles are different so you can go from "knowing f***-all" to "knowing what a reviewer thinks", which is a big step up from your first useless post.

Maybe someday you can actually form your own opinion about something without someone telling you what you should think. Imagine. :o
We have many customers with them and they all like them. Ive driven the CVT and the six speed, personally i rather the six speed but the CVT is still a good trans. Not many problems with them. Is it AWD or FWD they have a premature rear break wear recal on them. I find the CVT realy revs high for the pick up that you get but it ok.
Got it. So far i like it, but i havent driven it much.

Its going for the usuall checks and i will get it on friday.

CVT is weird!!! :)
mo_focus,Feb 20 2008, 05:01 PM Wrote:CVT is weird!!! :)
Yes, it gets that a lot.

That's also part of the reason (part) it gets trashed as being "slow" is because you're used to the "lurch" when you kick down a normal automatic, which gives you the illusion of more power.
mo_focus,Feb 20 2008, 05:01 PM Wrote:Got it. So far i like it, but i havent driven it much.

Its going for the usuall checks and i will get it on friday.

CVT is weird!!! :)

Yeah, when I drove a Caliber SXT through Nevada and Cali last year, the CVT weirded me out for a while. Then I just learned to put up with it :P

Good luck with it Mo!
I'm curious having never having driven a CVT myself, but wouldn't the power application be something like an electric motor spinning up? (My comparator is an electric golf cart here, I've driven many of those in my time)

If so I could certainly live with that....

NefCanuck,Feb 21 2008, 10:23 AM Wrote:I'm curious having never having driven a CVT myself, but wouldn't the power application be something like an electric motor spinning up? (My comparator is an electric golf cart here, I've driven many of those in my time)

If so I could certainly live with that....

More closely, a snowmobile.
the other thing with CVT, and I'm not sure if it applies in this case, is that they don't always handle torque well, so they could feel a bit sluggish due to torque limitations.

But in the perfect world, a CVT lets you accelerate while constantly at the engine's torque peak, so they should accelerate more quickly than non CVT..
darkpuppet,Feb 21 2008, 03:39 PM Wrote:the other thing with CVT, and I'm not sure if it applies in this case, is that they don't always handle torque well, so they could feel a bit sluggish due to torque limitations.

But in the perfect world, a CVT lets you accelerate while constantly at the engine's torque peak, so they should accelerate more quickly than non CVT..

funny how you say that. I think lot of reviews about the car are from ppl that dont know how to drive CVT's or they had never experianced it. They are all saying how its slow and slugginsh. Honestly i havent felt that.

Funny story, even my dad test drove a CVT for the first time and he is flooring it trying to go thru all the gears. So i just told him he is just wasting my gas, bc there is only one gear ;)
mo_focus,Feb 21 2008, 03:07 PM Wrote:funny how you say that. I think lot of reviews about the car are from ppl that dont know how to drive CVT's or they had never experianced it. They are all saying how its slow and slugginsh. Honestly i havent felt that. [right][snapback]258523[/snapback][/right]
That's exactly the case.
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