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Full Version: Cant Post Up Anywhere :(
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Hello all,

I tried posting up in other sections but wont let me?
seems to me that this is the only section i can post, anyways for those who dont know me my name is danny im from windsor ont. i drive a black focud zx5 with plenty of well earned cash dumped into it lol

you should be able to post now..

I had to put every member into a restricted group to allow the new anti-spam bot registration process to work.

So you had only a month to make a post before being demoted to a 'pledge', you had to make one post after which you'd be allowed back into the rest of the forum.

so in short, now that you posted here, you can post everywhere else once again
Welcome danny make sure to post up some pics of that ZX5 with ur hard earned cash
"well earned cash dumped into it"

i think so far only ZX3_2NV stands for that saying :lol:
[quote=NikiterZTS,Jan 16 2008, 09:09 PM
"well earned cash dumped into it"

i think so far only ZX3_2NV stands for that saying :lol:

All of us are guilty of throwing $$$ at our cars.

It's those who figure it out sooner who reap the benefits.
I dont wanna talk about how much $ I've dumped into mine, Im afraid to even look at my receipt binder :(

Windsor eh? Thats where I am right now even tho I live in Burlington, i'll have my ride back on the road in two weeks, I cant wait :)
Well its not totally hard earned for me i don't do much but sit at a desk all day really boring actully lol but nonoe the less alot of cash yes id prob say I Have one of if not the most $$$ poured into a Focus but lets not go there