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Well like the title says i got into an accident on saturday in the snow. I lost control and hit a concrete lamp post doing about 40kmh.

So i called insurance because of the amount of damage done, approx 3000-4000, and they said that if i went through them, my insurance would be unreasonably high or a possibility of them not renewing come february. So i have to fix it myself because im cheap.

Well the car got owned to say the least and i am happy to be alive, BUT my precious is in critical condition and i need to get some parts together.

Ive got: headlights, radiator, rad hosing, bumper cover.

But i need: actual bumper (not the cover), rad support, front grill(or if anyone knows of a do it yourself aftermarket deal or w/e), hood(possibly driving to OHIO unless anyone has anything lying around), A/C condensor, I'll post up pics when i can, and if u have any parts u can sell me, or any front end stuff please let me kno im on a tight budget being in college and all...
I'm really sorry to hear about your accident! I hope your okay.

As far as parts go, you should be able to get most of your parts cheap either from a salvage yard or online (eBay!). Sorry I can't help you out personally because I don't have anything, good luck with your hunt though.
Massive Speed System sells a nice clear grill for cheap ($68.99 USD) and also sells lower rad supports. However check Napa or Parts Source locally first. As for your bumper, hood and A/C Condensor go to and i'm sure this will help you/prevent you from going to Ohio :) Hope this helps bud!
it was really nice of your insuarence company to kick you in the balls just like that
NikiterZTS,Dec 18 2007, 08:15 AM Wrote:it was really nice of your insuarence company to kick you in the balls just like that
That's their job -- to make money for their stockholders and not protecting you. Once you start costing them money they'll drop you faster than Pam Anderson can say "I'm getting divorced."
i saw on another thread that a member bought a 2000 zx3 for $800. (it had super high miles) perhaps you could find a similar deal

i think it would be cheaper and easier for you to purchase a cheap focus and then swap the body parts as needed.

or maybe you can just swap all of your mods over to the other car and call it a day?

that seems like a pretty hard hit you also might want to think about taking the car to a body shop and getting them to check that the frame is straight before you purchase any parts. if its frame damaged in my opinion its not worth fixing.. i suspect it just won't ever feel the same when you drive it
i think i know someone who has a focus sedan, with a blown engine sitting on his driveway. and he only wanted a few hundred for it