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Full Version: Rear Drum Brakes Replacement
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It's time to replace my rear drums.
Should I go with a specific brand/type or does it not really matter considering they are simpe drums?
Also, they need to be easy to paint :)
Alec Brandon,Sep 15 2007, 09:20 AM Wrote:It's time to replace my rear drums.
Should I go with a specific brand/type or does it not really matter considering they are simpe drums?
Also, they need to be easy to paint :)

Dont get econo drums as they will give you an econo wheel bearing.

And yes, Super easy to paint.
I would personally stay from anything but OEM. I recently changed my shoes in the back and they were crap. Squeak so much that i had to go back and get something else. So i asked for OEM drums and shoes. ITs ben great eversince.