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Full Version: 3m Head Light Kit
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Where can I buy one. I've had trouble trying to find one in stores.
The polishing kit? I have the bottle of polish here at home. Its the stuff that you do not need to sand the lens. You can use whatever you need.

[Image: 6339397979514500003m-headlight.jpg]

I've seen it at some Canadian Tire stores...

Check NAPA as well, they can probably order it for you.
Meguiar's Plast-X works good too.
I found it at NAPA... I really wanted the polishing disk and pad but the kit was usefully for a project im working on. Thnx for the responces.

FYI buy a sanding block with 2500 grit paper cause the 800grit paper and 3000grit foam disk do a terrible job to get the 500 grit marks out. Nough said.

Soooooo, what are you doing?????