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Full Version: Fog Light Bulbs
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Well I am looking for some fog light bulbs for the ZX5, one has burnt out. I want to know if anyone has found a good set to use. I want something better than what was in there. I think they must have been the originals. I have them set as the DRL's and I use tham all the time at night. Are there any higher output bulbs available? I have a set of PIAA Super Plasma GTX bulbs in the headlights and I was hoping to get something similar for the fogs. Any Ideas?
all I can tell you is be careful , I know in my 2006 I know its different fogs but with the stock bulbs they melted inside had to get em replaced under warranty.
Hyper yellow ones would look good, I have them in my fog light, and I really like the look of them, plus they make driving in the fog a little easier.

there their is the hyper white ones, or the Xenon bulbs out there. there are a few choices out there and the cheapest is E-bay.

just remember Kev, your Focus uses the 899 bulb.
Sweet thanks for the info.
np man.