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hi-tech meets smoothy setting.

how smooth(ie) is the iPhone?
:lol: That's great!
Woohoo! I love it!

Not that I hate the iphone.. I want one, but I'm not spending $600+ on a PHONE, no matter what other bells and whistles come on it.

Rather duct tape my ipod to my current cell phone for the low price of free.
mmmm iTard
what was the point?
D-Dub,Jul 11 2007, 07: Wrote:what was the point?
To sell blenders.
Rather interesting display... though I have to question the sanity of the person who thought that was a good idea :blink:

lots of iPhones were already sacrificed on launch day. Some of them were sacrificed to produce disassembly guides, spare replacement parts, to figure out ways to hack/unlock it and most importantly, cus people have money to blow they want to
It's no worse than the smash XBox/PS3/Wii sites. Personally, I still find the idea of a $600 iPod funny because it also locks you into a contract for the phone portion.
Yeah I think you're really stuck (down here at least). From what i've read, only AT&T (was Cingular - my phone carrier) has the network set up to take full advantage of the iphone's features. So not only do you have to pay too much for a phone, you also have to change carriers.

Good times.
yeah.. this vid was just one of many.. you can go to to see more vids of blending insanity (ie, cellphones, pens, marbles, diamonds, etc).
will it blend is classic internet video!!!

as far as the I-phone I like lots of other fool hardy geeks will own one.. I don't care if it takes half a weeks pay..!
oh man that was great..
Just in case anyone wondering, I am NOT buying an I Phone. Althogh at my company, we have one on loan from a customer. Somethings wrong with it already.