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Full Version: Who's Got An American Express
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Amex has a 'members project' initiative going on right now where cardmembers can propose ideas for a non profit project. other cardmembers vote, and the highest rated/most voted project gets funded and implemented.

please check out the idea i submitted

and vote appropriately!

i think my idea rocks (obviously =P) i hope you guys do too and vote VOTE VOTE!!!


too much technical terms, sorry i got lost there. Maybe its just that i'm really tired.

i like my idea better, get the mad cows, take them to Bosnia where there is so much land mines, let the cows just go on the landmine feilds. This will get rid of the mad cows as well as mines :) project cost= nada :)
Very good.. [Image: rollinglaugh.gif]

I did not read the Amex thing yet... :P