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just thought i'd share... sold my EX500 today (with no replacement in sight for the near future).

i want to purchase a 'tiffany' branded engagement ring short so I've resolved to rein in 'unnecessary' spend and looking over my records for the last 12month it is clear that almost all of my discretionary spend is going to the bike (funny how a track school here, maintenance parts here and there, new piece of gear, etc really add up to a non-trivial amount!)

the blow is softened a bit by the fact the wagon really eats up mountain roads.. but really tough choice.. toughest i've had to make in a long time.. kind of can't believe i did it!

I feel for ya. My bike is in the shed with no insurance. I refuse to sell it until I get a new one, which will be sometime in the future. :unsure:
naz,May 29 2007, 06:00 PM Wrote:..........i want to purchase a 'tiffany' branded engagement ring ......[right][snapback]239859[/snapback][/right]

Another man with exquisite taste I see. There is a certain Focus owner running around Burly with a beautiful Tiffany's necklace. Least I could do considering the money I was pissing away on lawyers and for her to have put up with all the crap from the ex wife.

So do tell more about the "lucky girl", here or PM if you want, I am happy for you.

Once you start doing the car and house thing you won't have time for motorcycles anyway. Between wearing a suit, daycare and lugging a laptop around bikes become pretty impractical pretty fast. Certainly my case, my bike languished for years before I sold it and in the end it went for "nothing" practically because of the neglect. Better to have cashed in sooner rather than later like I ended up doing.

Jewelry (even Tiffany baubles) isn't money poorly spent as it is always worth something, way better spent than crap like car mods.
Thanks for sharing - brought back a lot of memories ...

Wife #1 loved bikes and got me hooked ... bought 3 in 5 years including a scary fast '82 CBX - lost count of how many times I p!ssed myself riding that one ... anyway, wife #2 hated bikes and made me sell ... probably for the best otherwise I probably wouldn't have survived long enough to meet wife #3

naz,May 29 2007, 07:00 PM Wrote:just thought i'd share... sold my EX500 today (with no replacement in sight for the near future).

i want to purchase a 'tiffany' branded engagement ring short so I've resolved to rein in 'unnecessary' spend and looking over my records for the last 12month it is clear that almost all of my discretionary spend is going to the bike (funny how a track school here, maintenance parts here and there, new piece of gear, etc really add up to a non-trivial amount!)

the blow is softened a bit by the fact the wagon really eats up mountain roads.. but really tough choice.. toughest i've had to make in a long time.. kind of can't believe i did it!
I just sold my 2003 cbr600rr too last month.. it still hurts to think about. :(
ex500 is a budget basic bike so the contrib to the bling blue box purchase is marginal.. its a symbolic gesture..

man.. i need to check for grey hair.. i feel like i aged with that decision
Its ok I got rid of the Focus and now Im relying on my 2 legs and the change in my wallet for bus fair. Ive saved so much money its unbelievable, and not to forget the health benefits also.
congrats on the engagement!
Sucks about the bike :(

Looking at the Lucida engagement ring or something? My wifey was looking at that one on Tiffany's website.. turned out she didn't get it because its retardedly expensive, and she knows I'm po'. Got her something else for christmas so she could tell all her friends and cow-orkers that she got a blue box.
torradan,May 31 2007, 12:56 PM Wrote:...Looking at the Lucida engagement ring or something?...

she's interested in the 'Novo' ring