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Full Version: Happy Birthday To The Big Guy
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Enjoy the day. Have a pint or two for me.

And don't forget the tequila!
Happy b day puppet :) :beerchug:
Happy B-day Man!!! Hope its one to remember
'Happy birthday Steve!!!
thanks guys!

a bit early to get up on one's b-day, but gonna go load the cameras and tripods into the car and get some donuts, and then enjoy the rest of the day!!

now should I get myself a CAI for my bday? hmm....
Happy happy puppet!

Happy B-day bud
Get an INTAKE.

Stock cars for suckahs.

HBD friend!
Happy birthday puppet!!
Happy Birthday! Get a CAI.
Happy Bird Day Dark Puppet
Happy Bday Steve!
screw the intake, the only real present is boost!!!!
Happy Birthday Steve. :)
happy birthday big guy.
HB Big guy.
happy bday Steve i didnt know so i didn't say anything to you at the i feel like a moron
happy birthday steve
Happy Birthday Steve

Again HBD :beerchug: DP... and I say INTAKE! because more air is always a good thing ;)

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