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First off, this is the most ass-backwards operation I've ever encountered, following a close second behind the White House.

Still waiting on stuff to be done. We haven't heard anything from CIC since NOVEMBER. This is when they asked for fingerprints to be sent to the RCMP for a background check. I've emailed the RCMP once a week for the past 2 months, with no response. They said its 120 days to get the background check.. That period of time was up in FEBRUARY.

We're so stressed out over it being kept in the ark, and last week I honestly thought we were gonna get divorced because we hit the boiling point. So we gather ourselves up, and try to do something to at least get something - anything - in regards to this whole deal.

She calls the CIC's call center, because their 800 number doesn't work outside of Canada.. she gives the information.. "After 16 weeks, check online for an update". THATS IT. Well, we're WAY past 16 weeks now. Totally useless.

I e-mail the consulate for any information.. since we haven't heard anything. They say that its in process, and they can't give more information because the use a "different system" for processing out of country. Since its an out of country application, the online thing DOESN'T UPDATE once its been forwarded to Buffalo.

OK SO WHAT GIVES? One place says to check online, the other place says its not updated there. What is this mythical "different system"? No information about that, either. Better luck finding a unicorn or leprechaun and his pot of gold I guess. At this point I'm freaking out, and it ruined my weekend because I'm so furious.

I email her MP (Jim Karygiannis) last night, around 6pm concerning this.. I get an immediate response with a form to fill out with all of my information and whatnot, and send it back. NOT 5 MINUTES LATER HE CALLS HER. He talks to her for a bit (she says he is a very nice guy, and was complaining about how complex this is), and forwards us some emails he sent to the RCMP and consulate, simply stating: "Send provide an update.", and includes my file number, name, date of birth. Oh, and he says that the RCMP background checks are taking 180 days, not 120. GREAT. Well it should still be done anyways.

So the two people who this really matters to can't get jack or s*** from anyone, but this guy can get whatever he wants, and he doesn't know us from someone he bumps into at the supermarket.
Just come across one day to see your wife, tell them you're here on henway purposes.

When they ask "What's a henway?", answer - "About 5 pounds!"

As he's laughing, drive off. Problem solved!
wow, this does seem very complex. It always pays to know someone that do stuff for you. I'm a sub-contractor for the Fed Gov. and i had to go thru the RCMP and fingerprinting process. i went to Bramton courthouse and got my fingerprints for free, bc i had worked with the guys for the last couple of years, I sent that to someone from our company and they sent to RCMP. I got my results back in 2 weeks and my access was granted.

Its sad to say this, but all the gov. services are corrupted and screwed up. Just keep you cool and hopefully the MP can get you guys moving ahead of the line.
Good Luck
Yes I would agree, keep contacting the local MP. I have had a lot of problems with the FRO (Family Responsibility Office) lately and within 24 hours we had more information from the MP than contacting the FRO directly. I never knew that our local MP would be able to help when it came to government services but was I wrong.

Keep your chin up and stay on top of things. It will turn around for you.
Sometimes yes, the MP (or in the case of a provincial jurisdiction) MPP can be a wonderful resource, esp. for things like torradan's attempt to emigrate to Canada nice & legal like...

HOWEVER both MP's & MPP's offices have dumped "problem children" issues on my office despite knowing what we did :wtf: :anger:

We had in fact gone to their office in one case not a week before they sent us a family law matter that needed representation at family court... we don't touch family law here with a 100m pole (Thank god :rolleyes:)

So while I'm glad it's gotten you something torradan, folks just treat advice that you get from these offices with a dose of disbelief <_<

Seriously, I've only ever had good experiences when dealing with our MP. Our MPP, on the other hand <_< - she's a poster child for voting Green in the next provincial election.

Keep hammering at things with all available channels of communication, man. We need good people like you in this country to set an example for those who are here solely to abuse our collective goodwill. Then again, they're too busy sucking from the social services teat to notice methinks.