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Full Version: Rear Ended Today, Need A New Bumper
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Today is my last day working at my job (after 7 years) as we are closing the building.
I will be starting a new position in Kanata.

Luck would have it that I was rear ended today by a F350.
The toe hitches punched a hole in my bumper and craacked it down the lenght. :angry:

My question is, does the SVT bumper bolt directly onto the ZX3?
I'm really hoping it does because I wanted to get it anyway, and now seems like the perfect opportunity to get at someone elses expense! B)

PS. I'm fine, first time I've ever been hit in my 20 years of driving.
that sucks man.....yes they would right bolt on....and they look good too

p.s. im suprised 350 didn't just drove over you
NikiterZTS,Apr 20 2007, 09:37 AM Wrote:p.s. im suprised 350 didn't just drove over you

No s***, at least some tail lights damage or something. :blink:

Glad your ok, and yes it will bolt directly up. A few have done the SVT appearance swap. :D
Glad to hear that you're okay, but think of it this way, had that F-350's bumper hit you instead of the tow hitch first, you'd be looking at replacing far more than your bumper and likely having to make an insurance claim to cover the cost of everything :ph34r:

Insurance companies will only cover for used parts, just to let you know.
It's a good thing your okay, but, sometimes it takes a while to feel the aches and pains.
For a joke, go back and ask the F-350 driver to whack the crap out of your front bumper too :lol:
Just noticed that he also dented the bottom right of my hatch... dam it! Didn't scratch the paint. Now I'm pissed. I'll be going out today to get estimates for the repairs.