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Full Version: Broke The Battery Strap
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Well I found out the problem with my car. Ends up it wasn't caused by the starter after all. The battery was turbo low on amperage. Now this is the original battery that came with the car and for some reason even though my car is a 2001, it had a service tag of 99 on it.

Well as I was trying to take the old battery out I guess I applied too much force to the bolt that holds teh strap down and snapped it. Anyone have any idea how to fix this or do I need to buy a new battery tray?
Im not sure how to fix it but my question is how on earth did you break that thing? You talking about the plastic piece you bolt down that holds the front side of the battery in place right? I thought that was a pretty thick piece of plastic.............guess not lol.
Im pretty sure you can just take the plastic piece and the bolt to the dealership and they can find u a replacement part. Im sure it wont be expensive.......but then again its the stealership
Dont get it from ford. Try from the wreckers.
If you are talking about the strap, i dont think you need it, the bottom of the battery holds on the case and its pretty tight.

Just make sure the front is in the groove as well tighting the front clip in so it doesnt move around.
BTW you should see what kind of battery is in my car :)

Bolt was rusted/corroded in place and snapped is my guess? I've done that before on many occasions.

Try to WD-40quid wrench/etc the heck out of whats left, and get an easy-out (reverse drill bit, for the most part) to remove it. Should be able to get them from Home Depot or whatever.