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why can't i set up a picture for my display can sum1 let me do i need a certain amount of posts or sumthing?
Click on "My controls" at the top of your screen and then click "Edit avatar settings" on the left control panel. Add your pic.

you might need to hit 100 posts first .. then you'll become part of the active member's group and it should unlock that feature
I didn't need 100 posts to change my pic, I think I had to hit whatever the number was to be not a lurker anymore..

That being said, I also didn't check to change it till I realized I was a noob, not lurker.
Well, as you can see I am still considered a lurker and I was able to post a profile pic. So the number of posts is irrelevant. Now I have been a member for quite some time though...that may or may not have anything to do with it.

Follow Alien-Tek's advise and just make sure your avitar meets the criteria.

Hope it works out for ya!