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this is a pic of my lizaird a Maliuromastyx named chelse, had a male named chester but he died (RIP)

[Image: DSC00660.jpg]

[Image: chelse.jpg]

Post up yer pics of pets
[Image: th_DSC_0015.jpg]

My wife's evil cat. Seriously.
My Doggie :P
[Image: n509207701_9621_1412.jpg] fav threads.

My Bearded Dragon: Spike

[Image: DSCF3164.jpg]

[Image: DSCF3163.jpg]

[Image: DSCF1061.jpg]

Mac aka the Tank :D also my best bud.

[Image: MAC.jpg]
My 6 month old puppy goes by the name of Cooper.

[Image: Cooper.jpg]

Laterz :)
Here's mine.. :P

It's eating crickets right now..

[Image: f9e10f09.jpg]

This is pics from 3 years ago , it's bigger now...

[Image: f9e7b032.jpg]

Bah... I even have a video of it eating..

clic me !
i always wanted one of those? is it a tarantula or bird-eater(i think thats the right name)?

how hard to take care of those?
I have it for over 3 years now , easiest pet to take care of , fresh water every 2 days and crickets ( 4 ) every 2 weeks.. Very cool thing to watch.. :)

I think the common name is a "rosie"
[Image: Odieoutandlovingit.jpg][Image: odie1.jpg]Heres one of my wife the dog and the groomer, and just the dog in the summer . He now has a lot longer hair .
Nice i like the bearded dragon. i was going to get one before the Mali's
Here's my chameleon by the name of Chamillioner
too bad i gave him away
[Image: chamilion.jpg]

and here's my mom's guinea pig
[Image: guiniepig.jpg]
she's got another 2 big ones.....and one of them gave birth to another 3 like 4 weeks ago
so if anyone wants one in the future let me know
This is our little monster. Kevin, I love that pic with the lifejacket.

[Image: bobblehead.jpg]
Our miniature poodle:

[Image: IMG_8423.jpg]

[Image: IMG_8104.jpg]
j3rt,Mar 2 2007, 10:57 PM Wrote:This is our little monster.  Kevin, I love that pic with the lifejacket.

[Image: bobblehead.jpg]
lol...reminds me of my girlfriends dog (which hates me)