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Full Version: Painting Headers
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I want to go with a red contrast for my black focus and I was wondering what paint can I use if at all to paint my FS race header.
painting headershey i saw the thread on not too long ago
they guy wanted to paint his headers red as it over it might give u some help

NikiterZTS,Feb 9 2007, 10:34 PM Wrote:painting headershey i saw the thread on not too long ago
they guy wanted to paint his headers red as it over it might give u some help

Cool thanks mang!
Whatever paint you use, make sure when you're finished and decide to start the engine, only run it for a minute or two and then let it rest for about 10. Do that 3-5 times and the paint should stay on forever. At least that's what I've done with my bikes headers and it worked fine.
focusracer,Feb 9 2007, 08:05 PM Wrote:Powdercoat
or Jetcoat I think its called.

Better than painting, but more pricey.