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[Image: 100_0107.jpg]

Yup, it's what you think it is, a Powerworks supercharger!!!!
Thanks to Mitch for the great deal and for putting up with my phone calls and PMs.
Time to check to ensure everything is there and start planning install dates.
Oh boy thats amazing! Hope the install goes amazing and you get some serious power happening :)

i wish i could do the same thing!!
congrats, dont blow anything up.
Have fun, but read the directions first, you never know what you might need to have on hand before you start eh? ;)


that is gonna be one fast c-dan :)
Very nice!

what about the trans? are u beefing it up?
Are you doing the install yourself ?

Looks like a nice project...
02ztsian,Jan 22 2007, 03:23 PM Wrote:Time to check to ensure everything is there and start planning install dates.

Pfft. Start planning install dates??? Go grab a wrench and get to it! :D


Hey, didn't you have an SVT intake swap in your car?

Do you lose that with the Powerworks intake?
Your tranny should be fine, if you beat on it then your more likely to have it go on you faster.
The install looks so easy sitting in it's boxes like that.
D-Dub,Jan 22 2007, 08: Wrote:Your tranny should be fine, if you beat on it then your more likely to have it go on you faster.

Depends really....My tranny started going after 2000-3000km after turbo intsall. 1st & 2nd gear, clutch would not grab at all.
Nice! Congrats.
Flofocus,Jan 23 2007, 10:51 AM Wrote:
D-Dub,Jan 22 2007, 08: Wrote:Your tranny should be fine, if you beat on it then your more likely to have it go on you faster.

Depends really....My tranny started going after 2000-3000km after turbo intsall. 1st & 2nd gear, clutch would not grab at all.

True Im not sure how much k he's got on his car either, but I also know you beat on it when you got it.


Ya, the SVT intake is going to have to come off. (I have one local buyer interested before I offer it up for sale :deal: ). I am trying to find a stretch of days I can be without a car while doing the install and sending the ECU out for re-flash.
As far as trans is concerned, I am looking into the OBX diff. I know it's OBX but I am reading some good things about it. The quality of my header was pretty good so I think they are starting to lose their cheapo label. If I am not mistaken they even had a booth at SEMA this year.
So far I have started by reading the manual two or three times, plus setting up the oil filter re-location by installing the fittings. Going to start ripping into it on Thursday morning, hope to have the install done on Sunday.
Jebus, can't wait to see it some videos as well

and good luck
Yes, I wish you good luck also. Your gonna need it. And mechanic gloves. ;)
Congrats! That's one sweet purchase!
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