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Full Version: Klipsch F-2's @ Best Buy
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Did anyone happen to pick up a set of the Klipsch F-2 speakers that Best buy had forsale in the online only flyer? .... $500 off so the total was like $399

i just saw the deal today and just missed out on it .. i would have loved a set
damn it....i was just at Best buy 15 mins ago
its only forsale online .. not instore
They are still onsale.
Less than 5 hours to go though!
Are these the ones you mean?

[Image: 10081840.jpg]

Oups, quantity says 0... sorry
yup those are the sexy bitches

and yup thats the quantity :(
I'd need a better amp to make those sound good at a nice level.
My Yamaha RXV1500 would of liked these, but I can't complain about my Nuance speakers.