12-03-2006, 08:58 AM
Ive got a line on a Fuji s9100 for a very good price ($400+tax) and this is legit from a major retailer with warranty. To those of you into photography I understand that this camera isnt true SLR and I am looking to get into photography as a farily serious hobby (may be going to Africa next year). My question is would you consider this camera to be one that a new user (who is technically proficient and a fast learner) would be content with for a few years. I know my abilities will most likely never exceed the features of the camera. But is having the exchangeable lenses of an SLR so important? Also I know the 9100 doesnt feature image stabilization comparable to that of most SLR's but most of my shooting would be from a tripod at medium to closer range, so is this really necessary? ANy insight or advice you guys could offer would be beneficial as even though Ive ordered this camera, my hookup has given me options (EOS Rebel XT etc) although the savings will not be as substantial as with the Fuji. Thanks in advance to any replies!!